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You are invited to exhibit at the highly regarded SEI Structures Congress. For exhibitor information, contact Sean Scully at +1 (703) 295-6154

Exhibit Contract (PDF)

Exhibit Floor Plan (PDF)

"The Structures Congress provided incredible opportunities for us as exhibitors to have deep discussions and valuable conversations around technology advancements and solutions that solve real-world problems."
—Spatial Networks

Exhibitor Benefits

  • Dedicated hours in the Exhibit Hall April 10 - 11, with qualified buyers
  • Exposure at all Exhibit Hall events: Welcome Reception, 4 morning and afternoon breaks and 2 lunches
  • Exclusive hours with no competing sessions during the Welcome Reception, breaks and lunches.
  • Company recognition with link on conference website, in conference signage, and in mobile app.
  • 25-word description of your organization and/or product in the mobile app.
  • A pre- and post-Structures Congress attendee mailing list (provided the signed list agreement and full payment are received).
  • Meet more than 60% of Exhibit Hall visitors who have a budget management responsibility or recommend purchase to their organization.
  • A full representation of the structural engineering profession including practitioners, consultants, vendors, researchers, and academics.

Exhibitor Provisions

  • 10 x 10-ft Booth, 6-foot skirted table, 2 chairs, 1 trash can, 1 full registration, and 1 exhibitor registration

Exhibit Booth Fees

  • Inline: $3,295 - Corner: $3,595
  • Cancellations: 6 months prior to conference 100% refund less $300 processing fee, 3 months prior 50% refund, less than 3 months $0 refund. 



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